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How ACETECH Has Supported Emergency Services During COVID-19

How ACETECH Has Supp

It’s undeniable that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a dramatic impact on emergency services worldwide. Comparable only to that of the Second World War, the pandemic has turned our key workers into soldiers in the fight against the disease – the stretcher bearers battling through the front line. So how has COVID impacted the emergency services? Here are a just a few ways – not to mention the additional physical and mental health issues many emergency services workers are experiencing in the wake of COVID-19.

 • The nature of emergency call-outs has changed dramatically. Whilst road traffic accidents accounted for a much smaller percentage of call-outs than usual, calls for flu-like symptoms increased exponentially. In Tasmania, for example, paramedics have seen a 50% reduction in traffic accident-related calls.[1]

 • The number of patients taken to hospital has decreased due to infection control measures, presenting a revenue problem for countries such as America, where agencies responsible for Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) are paid for every patient transferred to a hospital.[2]

 • The need for cleanliness, already crucial for the healthcare industry, became paramount not only for patients, but also to protect healthcare workers.

 • In most countries, extra funding has been allocated for healthcare services to cope with their COVID-19 response. In the UK, for example, around £6 billion has been allocated to the NHS in the fight against coronavirus.[3]

How has ACETECH supported the response to COVID-19?

Time is critical for the emergency services; they have response time targets to hit and therefore need to maximise the availability of vehicles by reducing the turnaround at the end of each job.

Yet, due to the highly infectious nature of COVID-19, vehicles now need to undergo enhanced cleaning. But this increases the turnaround time, decreasing the number of crews available to the public, and therefore putting pressure on already stretched response times.

One big advantage we have in the fight against coronavirus is technological advancements. Technology has been a key factor in helping to reduce turnaround times and it’s where ACETECH™ Asset Intelligence can help. Through RFID technology, it keeps track of all valuable assets and consumables, ensuring that emergency vehicles are stocked up with everything they need and they’re ready to go. In simple terms, it uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to emergency services items. With every piece of critical kit tagged, it is easy for crews on board and at HQ to see the locations of each item – so even if it gets left on a roadside, it can be found and collected.

Protecting emergency services investments

With pressurised emergency callouts, high value assets can easily be mislaid or left at the scene of a crime, at the hospital, or when transferring a member of the public back at HQ. Yet, to be released for the next job, emergency vehicles need to be fully stocked. By using ACETECH™ Asset Intelligence, not only can items be located much faster, but it also protects the investment made in the equipment, saving public funds in the long term – an important benefit for all of us. And although countries have allocated extra funds to support their emergency services through the pandemic, that isn’t a limitless pot of money.

Why ACETECH™ Asset Intelligence?

In summary, ACETECH™ Asset Intelligence keeps track of assets, preventing loss of expensive equipment and saving money by limiting the need for replacements. By helping to reduce waste and improving stock management, stock control and purchasing decisions, emergency services teams are able to make their funds go further. Ultimately, ACETECH™ Asset Intelligence helps providers to deliver first-rate emergency services by ensuring equipment is where it should be when it’s needed most. At the same time, it also helps to maximise return on investment for key assets.

Plus, by reducing the administrative burden of managing stock on a vehicle, it allows emergency services workers to focus on the most important part of their job – looking after those in need.


Are you interested in finding out more about ACETECH Asset Intelligence to track and monitor emergency services equipment?

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is a global manufacturer of Vehicle Intelligence for emergency service fleets. Our solutions include cloud based fleet management