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ACETECH Launches US Seminar Series


Emerging technology for your ambulance fleet should not be confusing or difficult. Everyday unwanted fleet events can leave your bottom line weak if not properly watched. How do you know your EMS fleet is being operated safely? Are there external forces in play that prevent this?
EMS is facing many challenges, especially in a post-pandemic world. Unfortunately, those issues that were pre-pandemic are still happening and getting compounded. Fortunately, we’re here to help by offering free educational seminars for you and your leadership team.


For years the long held belief in EMS is that speed saves lives. With close to 70% of all EMS fatalities occurring while in emergent mode, is a faster response saving time and equating to better patient outcomes? Let the facts speak for themselves and be ready to think a whole new way when it comes to responding emergent. Included in this presentation are strategies to help you educate your stakeholders on the changes in emergent response.

February 10th, 2022. 10:00am – 12:00pm, Lunch afterwards.
Hunter’s Ambulance,
450 W Main Street
Meriden, CT

Interested in attending? Please email to RSVP

We can help you get the best performance from your fleets

is a global manufacturer of Vehicle Intelligence for emergency service fleets. Our solutions include cloud based fleet management