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Local School Second in National Robotics Competition

Local School Second

A huge congratulations to the Sacred Heart School from Tullamore in County Offaly, Ireland, who took second place at the recent VEX Robotics Competition.

Local School Second

The local team, which was sponsored by ACETECH, were winners on the day as they also took home the innovate and teamwork awards. This is a well-deserved achievement, especially as the girls worked so hard after school showing true determination and dedication and they truly deserve it!

Local School Second

Hardly a week previously, they emerged County Winners at the Offaly County Council Vex Robotics competition for secondary schools before they went on to represent the County in Cork at the National Finals.

A huge congratulations from all of us @ACETECH – we were delighted to play a small part and have no doubt that these young ladies will go on to bigger things in technology and engineering – so watch this space!

Local School Second

About VEX Robotics

They’re toolmakersSolution providersProblem solvers.

All they’re trying to do is make really cool stuff, which other people can use to inspire today’s students. They’re not changing the world; they just work with a lot of people who are changing it.

The world currently faces an unprecedented need for new innovators, thinkers, and problem solving leaders. We already need double the number of qualified workers if we want to fill open STEM positions. And that gap will only increase. Industry leaders, governments, educators, and parents are all searching for solutions that will enable them to get all students excited.

For more information on VEX Robotics and how they are working to promote more interest in STEM careers globally –  visit

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